I'm glad you put in the effort to overcome the problems which delayed the publication of
To Be An Artist
. It it excellent!

Alfred W.


I'm curious how you decide what is featured in the SPOTLIGHT of Artists Are Always Right.

Caroline R.

(Editor's reply: As is always the case for all artists...the Muses let me know.)


Your book, To Be An Artist, is a welcome addition to my personal library. It is interesting,
funny, enlightening and informative.

Benny C.


I too believe that I have been an artist since birth. Having said that, your book, To Be An
is definitely not just for "aspiring artists". It is for anyone who devotes their life to
being an artist and can be enjoyed by non-artists as well. I highly recommend it!

Dennis S.


Thank you for writing To Be An Artist. I can relate to much of what you said in it. Well done!

Julie M.


Greetings from Germany. Thank you for your informative journal. I am enjoying it.

Joseph S.


I just finished reading the SPOTLIGHT in the January/February 2022 issue of To Be An Artist.
Next stop...Blurb!

Dave R.


Artists Are Always Right
is cool! So much to see. Fine job!

Derek B.


Do you have any plans for a sequel to your Schwartz Shirts The Book of Observations?
If so, anytime soon?

Sid M.

(Editor's reply: Yes and yes.)


Just saying hi and wishing you great success with your new book. I'm sure it is very good
considering the quality of Artists Are Always Right.

Bonnie F.


While I certainly appreciate that singers are continuing to sing in spite of face masks
(the January/February UP FRONT), artists have unfortunately been silenced many
times throughout history.

Gary L.

(Editor's reply: Only temporarily. Truth ultimately wins.)


I'm glad that your book, To Be An Artist, is available. I'm looking forward to reading it
along with all of the other observations.

Kat J.


Congratulations on the publication of To Be An Artist!

Ginny J.


It's good to know that Artists Are Always Right will continue in "2022 and beyond".
I appreciate your creative efforts very much. I am ordering a copy of To Be An Artist.

Joy L.


I want you to know how much I enjoyed your book, To Be An Artist. Thank you for sharing
your story.

Ted J.


I like Artists Are Always Right but am wondering...why isn't it formatted for mobile devices?

Bob R.

(Editor's reply: Good question. One which I've addressed several times in the past.
Since I don't like to chew my cabbage that much, I'll leave it at that.)


I love what you've done with Artists Are Always Right so far. What are your goals for
the future?

April W.

(Editor's reply: To continue to be as creative as I can possibly be!)


My only complaint with To Be An Artist is that I couldn't put it down and read it too quickly!
It was that good!

Tonya B.


Thank you for sharing all that you did in your To Be An Artist book. Talk about honesty!
To Be An Artist
is revealing, informative, and definitely enlightening!

Jacob B.

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