I was very impressed with what you said in the July/August SPOTLIGHT! These are very
serious times indeed! Thanks for the artistic nudge!

Rick B.


While the July/August SPOTLIGHT is very serious, the subject matter is something that
should not be ignored. In order for positive change to occur in the world, people must
work for it. This definitely includes artists!

Ted H.


Do you think you may have gotten too serious in the July/August SPOTLIGHT? And who
are the "demons" you mentioned?

Arnie T.

(Editor's reply: Did I get too serious? I think not. Desperate times call for serious spotlights.
As far as the demons in this world go...I see them as those who intentionally cause havoc,
pain, misery, death and destruction. I'll leave it at that.)


Thanks for the creative wake-up call in the July/August SPOTLIGHT!

Debbie P.

(Editor's reply: You are welcome!)


The SPOTLIGHT in the July/August issue was a bit depressing as well as uplifting at the
same time. Well done!

Derek M.


You wrote in the July/August SPOTLIGHT what many people, including myself, are
thinking but are perhaps afraid to admit. Truth is truth!

Betty T.


As a long time reader of Artists Are Always Right, I must say that the July/August
was quite a serious departure. Having said that, I must also say that
I appreciated it very much. It said things that needed to be said.

Ted S.


Your SPOTLIGHT entitled "It's Time To Get Serious" in the July/August issue of Artists
Are Always Right
was very interesting. In fact, it provided some inspiration for my own art.
I hope you dig as deep in future issues.

Mary Ann O.

(Editor's reply: I'm please to learn that it helped to inspire you!)


I had to comment on your insightful July/August SPOTLIGHT. Very well done! I couldn't
have said it better myself. It is definitely time to get serious!

Beccah H.


I'm writing about your July/August SPOTLIGHT. I find it sad how artists help people get
through trying times and may even be revered once they are gone, yet are all too often
insufficiently rewarded for their artistic accomplishments while they are here.

Bert A.

(Editor's reply: I think it would be difficult to find an artist who would disagree with that!)


Having read your Schwartz Shirts companion book, I was wondering when you were
going to get more "serious" on Artists Are Always Right (July/August Spotlight).
Glad to see it!

Carl M.


While I appreciate the seriousness of the July/August SPOTLIGHT, I am wondering if you
believe that all technology is bad.

Arthur J.

(Editor's reply: Not at all. I'm not anti-technology. After all, without technology, much of my
work as an artist, including this journal, would not be possible. As far as I'm concerned, it
all comes down to how technology is used...for good or for bad purposes. Sort of like when
Glinda asks Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz...are you a good witch or a bad witch?)


"It's Time To Get Serious" (July/August SPOTLIGHT) was excellent! I can't wait to see
what's up your artistic sleeve next!

Millie R.


I really enjoyed the July/August issue of Artists Are Always Right. Thank you!

Sally V.

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