I hope that everyone is continuing to do as well as can be during the
extremely difficult times in which we are living. As I see it, the year
2020 is turning out to be like a science fiction movie...gone bad!

It is impossible to be awake and not consider...as Marvin Gaye
famously sang...what's going on. Injustice, violence, and war in all its
varied forms...combined with a deadly pandemic, which may or may
not go away anytime soon, and which may have been intentionally
spread in the name of global power and greed. One thing is certain.
We better learn to live with one-another in peace, or else we may
soon find ourselves starring in an apocalyptic science fiction movie
of our own creation...only it won't be fiction!
In keeping with this thought, this issue's SPOTLIGHT is dedicated to some of the best science fiction
movies of the 1950s, as well as one from 1960. I have long appreciated the messages contained in
some of these classic films. I hope they resonate with you as well.

This issue's ON THE FRONT PAGE features the iconic Salvador Dali painting, The Persistence of
. This work of art is a perfect example of how artists are the best communicators of the surreal
expressions of this life! As a reminder, don't forget to subscribe to Artists Are Always Right if you don't
want to miss the ON THE FRONT PAGE features. Artwork presented ON THE FRONT PAGE is not
archived in the PAST ISSUES.

I always enjoy hearing from our readers! Be sure to check out some of their most recent thoughts on
the FEEDBACK page. Do you have something to say? Let us hear from you!

Lastly, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting pretty sick of hearing advertisers on television
using the words "uncertain times" in their effort to turn a profit. And so, I will close this UP FRONT with
observation number 296 from the SchwartzShirts.com website.

"Are times ever certain?" 

Until we connect again...

                                                                                         Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor

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