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I hope you are all doing well.

I've mentioned previously in this journal that Citizen Kane is one of my favorite films of all time.
One of my main reasons is because of the film's exquisite cinematography...the credit for which
goes to an artist by the name of Gregg Toland. I am pleased, at long last, to shine a much
deserved light on the career of this talented man in this issue's SPOTLIGHT. It is simply titled...
Gregg Toland...Cinematographer
. I hope those familiar with his work, and most especially
anyone not aware of his creative achievements, are artistically enlightened.

We received several nice comments regarding last issue's SPOTLIGHT...van Gogh's Promise
of Spring
...some of which are featured on the FEEDBACK page. I want to thank everyone who
took the time to email us. Your thoughts are much appreciated!
Speaking of emails...we still occasionally receive ones from subscribers asking why their Artists Are Always Right email
notifications end up in their spam or junk folders rather than their inbox. Adding Artists Are Always Right to your address book
or list of contacts should remedy this.

features an intriguing quote that many artists may relate to. I know at times, I certainly do!

Until we connect again...

                                                                                                                       Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor