As we approach another holiday season, I decided to SPOTLIGHT one of the greatest Christmas stories
of all time. First published 177 years ago, it is perhaps even more timely today. With great pleasure,
I present, A Christmas Carol. I hope that it provides a bit of holiday cheer when we need it the most.

It goes without saying that 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for everyone throughout the world.
The human spirit, however, is tough and resolute. We have risen to meet the challenges of many difficult
times throughout history. I firmly believe that our spirit will continue to do so now!

Artists have always played important roles during such times. Through our creative accomplishments,
artists have provided comfort, promise and inspiration. To each and every contemporary artist reading
my words, I encourage you to utilize your artistry to achieve precisely that as well! I know you are up to
the challenge!

features a couple of familiar Christmas characters for the young at heart. Don't
want to take a chance on missing future ON THE FRONT PAGE artwork? Then be sure to subscribe!
There's no cost to do so. 

I will close this UP FRONT with my holiday wish for everyone. May our lives return to normal soon...may
the holiday season bring us great joy...and may we all have a much healthier and happier new year in 2021!
Or, in the words of Tiny Tim..."God bless us, every one!" 

Until we connect again...

                                                                                          Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor
This issue of Artists Are Always Right is a bit late being published
because Karen and I have been very busy!

One of the primary reasons for our jam-packed schedule is trying to
finalize the publication of my book, The Creative Nature Photography
. We've had a few problems regarding the printing and,
rather than rush it, we decided to invest the extra time and effort
necessary to make it the best that it can be. This goal is a guiding
principal which Karen and I adhere to in all of our artistic efforts.

I am looking forward to presenting it in the next issue of Artists Are
Always Right
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