I hope you are all doing as well as possible. With any hope, our lives will return to normal
soon. At least we can hope!

As a writer, I generally avoid using a word such as "hope" in three consecutive sentences.
In the context of the opening of this UP FRONT, however, I felt that this word warranted
repeating. After all, there are times, such as now, when hope appears to be all that we have.

I do have some positive news to share with you. One of the three books I was working on
before the pandemic from China hit will be published soon. I am referring to The Creative
Nature Photography Workshop
(which was first published in 2006). A fully-updated 2020
edition of this "workshop in a book" should be available soon...most likely before the next
issue of Artists Are Always Right. That's why I'm letting you in on it now. Once it is available,
it will be on the Schwartz Nature Photography website and probably on this journal as well.
People who know me well know that I hate hot weather. I mean...really hate it! So, when the heat of summer in the mid-
Atlantic region soars, as it has at the time of this writing, and humidity envelops the landscape like a wet blanket, my mind
journeys to other seasons. In keeping with this, I'm presenting another in my series of Inside The Image features in this
issue's SPOTLIGHT with the title...Autumn Leaves. You know...I'm beginning to feel cooler already!

I believe that my choice of artwork featured in this issue's ON THE FRONT PAGE definitely connects with the times in
which we are living. What do you think? As a reminder, ON THE FRONT PAGE artwork is not archived in the PAST
. Therefore, be sure to subscribe to Artists Are Always Right if you don't want to miss-out on this feature.

The FEEDBACK page is once-again filled with your interesting comments about Artists Are Always Right and such.
Please keep your thoughts coming! It is always a pleasure hearing from you!

I will close this UP FRONT with observation number 1280 from the website.

"Peace. Need I say more?" 

At least we can hope!

Until we connect again...

                                                                                                               Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor

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