Thanks for letting us know about The Creative Nature Photography Workshop book. I visit your
Schwartz Nature Photography website from time to time, so I would have eventually seen it there,
but it was interesting to read the story behind the book in your SPOTLIGHT.

Vince F.


I enjoyed the SPOTLIGHT on The Creative Nature Photography Workshop very much! I'm sure
it took a lot of hard work to get it just right, and I congratulate both of you on your achievement!
Best wishes!

Constance B.

(Editor's Reply: On Karen's behalf and mine...thank you!)


The ON THE FRONT PAGE image in the January/February issue gave me a much needed laugh!
Thank you!

It's nice to hear that your new book, The Creative Nature Photography Workshop is available. I know
two photographers who will be interested in it. I'll let them know.

Stacey M.

(Editor's Reply: Word of mouth is always the best advertising. Thanks!)


Congratulations on the publication of The Creative Nature Photography Workshop. While my
interests in photography cover many subjects, my nature images could use improving. I'll be
ordering a copy.

Pat O.


Glad to learn that your photography workshop book is available. I think that my husband would
benefit from it. His birthday is coming up.

Kat L.


I'm just catching on to Artists Are Always Right. You have a lot of artistic things to take in.
I am challenged!

Al B.


I admire your work as a nature photographer on Artists Are Always Right as well as on your
Schwartz Nature Photography website. I have a question regarding some of your Schwartz Shirts

Don't you feel that there is a conflict between your eloquent photographs of nature and your
sometimes crude thoughts on the Schwartz Shirts website?

James H.

(Editor's Reply: I'm glad you asked! As a multi-disciplinary artist, I find that I can easily walk and
chew gum at the same time. My mind travels down many paths depending upon my creative mood.
While my work as a nature photographer differs from that as a writer of my Schwartz Shirts
observations, so too do both of these creative outlets differ at times from the screenplays that I've
written as well as the films which will ultimately be based upon them. As far as I'm concerned,
variety is not only the spice of life, but the fuel which challenges artists!)


The January/February issue was most enjoyable. As I've only recently discovered your journal,
 I have much to catch up on. I'm looking forward to reading the past issues.

Carol B.

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