I hope you are all doing well.

I want to thank everyone who expressed their congratulations to me on the recent
publication of my book...The Creative Nature Photography Workshop...which was
featured in the SPOTLIGHT of the past issue of Artists Are Always Right. I've
included a few of your comments on the FEEDBACK page. For those who missed
that SPOTLIGHT, you can check it out by going to the PAST ISSUES and clicking
the January/February 2021 issue.

This issue's SPOTLIGHT showcases two artists who I've wanted to feature for quite
some time. As a longtime classic film buff who truly appreciates their work, I am
pleased to present my artistic salute to the collaborative motion picture achievements
of Alfred Hitchcock and James Stewart. That's Hitch and Jimmy to their friends.
I would like to take a moment or two to share some rather serious thoughts with you. When it appears as if you are
at a near standstill in life, as just about everyone in the world seems to be at this point in time, perhaps the best
thing to ask one's self is...Where do I go from here? This philosophical question was my inspiration for this issue's
. The words depicted are from one of the most popular songs from the 1970s. Can yah
dig it?
I know I'm dating myself with that expression, but it connects with the time frame of the song and with the
teenager I was back then.

To this day, I can still remember listening to that song on the radio and wondering what my future would be. Now that
the future I could only imagine back then has crept up to me when I wasn't looking, and I find myself in a world still
bogged down with a global pandemic from China and both domestic and international hostilities, I reiterate the
aforementioned question to myself, often in the quiet hours of the night...Where do I go from here?

Knowing that negativity can be defeated by positive thoughts and energy, I convince myself to regain my sense of
focus, concentrate on my positive goals, then work towards achieving them. I see this as the best course of action
during the time in which we are living. Perhaps the same could be said for all difficult times throughout history.

I have numerous goals as an artist. Far too many to accomplish in one life. One of these goals is the completion
of my next book project which I am currently working on. The title and entire concept behind it is a bit of a secret at
this time. All I can say for now is that it should be of interest to fellow artists of any artistic medium or discipline.
Because I've been an artist for more years than I care to admit, I have quite a few things to say about being an
artist throughout the pages of this book. Much more, in fact, than I've ever shared on Artists Are Always Right.
I will be featuring this book in an upcoming SPOTLIGHT as soon as it is published.

I will close for now with observation number 258 from the website.

"The secret to life is to keep on going."

Until we connect again...

                                                                                                         Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor

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